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NITI : National Institution for Transforming India

  NITI National Institution for Transforming India     Policy Commission( History, What's Policy Commission), Structure( full time organ...

 NITI National Institution for Transforming India 


 Policy Commission( History, What's Policy Commission), Structure( full time organizational, 

 Governing Council, Regional Council), Work, Development Agenda 






 The profitable reforms that started in 1991 reduced the socialist tendencies in the Indian frugality and started the trip towards a free frugality. The work of the results planning board sounded gratuitous. thus, the Modi government formed in 2014 dismissed the planning board and set up a policy commission. 


 On May 29, 2014, the Independent Evaluation Office submitted an evaluation report to Prime Minister Modi, recommending the setting up of a" controlling commission" in place of the Planning Board. 



 In his speech on 15 August 2014, Narendra Modi blazoned the establishment of an institution on the lines of the National Development and Reform Commission( NDRC) in China to replace the Planning Board. 


 Establishment = On 1st January 2015, the Policy Commission was established as an unconstitutional and unconstitutional body in place of the Planning Board by Government Act. 


 What's Policy Commission? 


 NITI full form = National Institution for Transforming India 

 Purpose = Nitti Commission was established as a think tank of the Government of India. It's set up to give strategic and specialized advice to the Central and State Governments on policy matters. 


 Composition of Policy Commission 

 Full- time organizational structure 

 Council of Governors 

 Regional Council 

 Medium of Full Time Organizational Policy Commission 

 President = Prime Minister 

 Vice President = Appointed by the Prime Minister. 

 Full- time members = will be appointed by the Prime Minister. 

 Part- time members = At least 2 part- time members( Selection = will be appointed from major universities, exploration institutes,etc. on a post base). 

Ex-officio members = At least 4 members of the Union Cabinet will be tagged by the Prime Minister 

 Special Invited Members = Experts and specialists with proper sphere knowledge appointed by the Prime Minister. 

 CEO( Chief Executive Officer) = An officer of the rank of Secretary to the Government of India through the Prime Minister 

 Secretariat = to be appointed as needed



The first member of the Policy Commission was appointed in January 2019 


 First President = Shri. Narendra Modi 

 Vice President = Dr. Rajiv Kumar 

Ex-officio member = Rao Inderjit Singh 


 Full time member 


 Vivek Debroy( economist) 

 Ramesh Chand( Agricultural Expert) 

V.K. Saraswat( former chairman of DRDO) 

V.K. Paul 

 CEO = Mr. Amitabh Kant 

 Council of Governors 

 Special = Meetings of the Council of Governors will be held as needed. The first meeting was held on February 8, 2015 and the alternate meeting was held on July 15, 2015 


 What's the composition of the Governing Body ?

 i) chairman = Prime Minister 

 ii) Deputy Chairman of the Policy Commission 

 iii) Full time member of the Policy Commission 

 iv)Ex-officio member of the Policy Commission 

 v) Chief Ministers of the constituent countries( including the Chief Ministers of Delhi and Puducherry) 

 vi) Deputy Governors of Union homes 

 vii) Special Invited Member of Policy Commission 

 Meetings of the Council of Governors will be held as needed. Of the Council 


 Regional Council 

 Joint Chairmanship = The Chief Minister of one of the countries in the region and the Union Minister of the subject concerned 

 Others include the Union Ministers and registers of the homes and the Ministers and registers of the States 

 objects = Special issues affecting further than one state and how to handle extremities 

 Tasks = These councils will be set up for a fixed period of time. 


 Functions of the Policy Commission 

 Major tasks 


 give proper direction and strategic motivation to the development process 

 To do about Amulagra in administration 

 To develop a common vision on the precedence areas and tactics of public development in the environment of public objects through active participation of the States. 

 To prepare politic and long term plans and programs 

 To develop medium for planning at vill position 

 To pay special attention to the depressed sections of the society who aren't getting acceptable benefits of profitable progress, 

 Knowledge through a cooperative community of public and transnational experts, professionals and other mates, 

 Creating innovative and entrepreneurial support systems. 

 To give a platform for resolvinginter-sectoral andinter-sectoral issues to accelerate development. 

 Development Agenda for New India 2022 

 fiscal planning grounded on five time plans in India will be completed on March 31, 2017 


 The Commission had blazoned a policy to prepare a' Vision Document' for a period of 15 times. 


 15 time vision 

 Tactics for 7 times 

 Action plan for 3 times. 




 NITI Aayog is developing itself as a state- of- the- art resource centre with the necessary knowledge and chops that will enable it to act with speed, promote exploration and invention, give strategic policy vision for the government, and deal with contingent issues. It's supported by an attached office, Development. Monitoring and Evaluation Organisation( DMEO), a flagship action, Atal Innovation Mission( AIM) and an independent body, National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development( NILERD). 


 NITI Aayog's entire diapason of conditioning can be divided into four main heads 


 1. Policy and Programme Framework 


 2. Cooperative Federalism 


 3. Monitoring and Evaluation 4. suppose Tank, and Knowledge and Innovation Hub 


 The different verticals, cells, attached and independent bodies of NITI give the needful collaboration and support frame demanded to carry out its accreditation. The list of verticals and cells is given below. 


 Verticals/ Cells 




 Agriculture and Allied Sectors 


 Aspirational sections Programme Cell 


 Communication and Social Media Cell 


 Data Management and Analysis, Frontier Technologies 


 Economics and Finance Cell 




 Governance and exploration 


 Governing Council Secretariat and Coordination 


 Assiduity- l 


 Assiduity- 11 


 structure- Connectivity 


 structure- Energy 


 Natural coffers and Environment, and Island Development 


 Project Appraisal and Management Division 


 Public-Private Partnership 


 Rural Development 


 Science and Technology 


 Social Justice and commission, and Voluntary Action Cell 


 Social Sector- 1( Skill Development, Labour and Employment, Urban Development) 


 Social Sector- Il( Health and Nutrition, Women and Child Development) 


 State Finances and Collaboration 

 Sustainable Development Pretensions 


 Water coffers/ Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana/ Land coffers

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