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World Hunger Index 2022 ( Global hunger index 2022 India rank )

  World Hunger Index 2022 Report Beginning - 2006 By - Welt Hunger Hilfe (Germany),Concern Worldwide (Irish NGOs)  Famous Date - 14 October...

 World Hunger Index 2022

Report Beginning - 2006

By - Welt Hunger Hilfe (Germany),Concern Worldwide (Irish NGOs)

 Famous Date - 14 October 2021

 No. Of Report - 16th

According to the index, India ranks 101st out of 116 countries in the world. According to the 2021 Index, India scored a total of 27.5 points. Therefore, India has been included in the category of 'severe hunger'.

The last three countries according to this index:

116) Somalia - 50.6

115) Yemen - 45.1

114) Central African Republic - 43

In terms of hunger, India is worse than Pakistan (92), Nepal (76) and Bangladesh (76).

The index is calculated on the basis of four factors.

1) The rate of malnutrition as a percentage of the population

2) Proportion of children under 5 years of age who suffer from severe malnutrition.

3) Proportion of stunted children under 5 years of age.

4) Child mortality

• Method of measuring the global appetite index:

- It is calculated on the basis of 100 times.

- 0 (Zero) points best position .

- 100 points Worst condition.

No.           Proof                             Points

1).           Low                              0 to 9.9

2)        Moderate                       10 to 19.9

3)          Serious                        20.0 to 34.9

4)        Alarming                         35.0 44.9

5)     Extrenely Alarming           50.0

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