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World Happiness Report 2022 | World Happiness Index India Rank 2022 | World Happiest Country

World Happiness Report 2022 | World Happiness Index India Rank 2022 | World Happiest Country  World Happiness Report 2022 Announcing organiz...

World Happiness Report 2022 | World Happiness Index India Rank 2022 | World Happiest Country 

World Happiness Report 2022

Announcing organization: United Nations Sustainable Development Solutions Network

 Beginning - 2012 (This is the 10th edition of the year)

March 20 is celebrated as World Happiness Day. The World Happiness Report is published during the same period every year. It was announced on March 18 this year.

Bhutan drew the world's attention to the fact that the country's progress should be measured not only in terms of gross national product (GDP) but also in terms of the well-being of its people. Bhutan called for measuring the happiness of its citizens, emphasizing the importance of Gross Domestic Happiness (GDH) to the world. March 20 was then celebrated as World Happiness Day.

Key points of the report -

A ranking of 146 countries was released based on various factors such as personal health sentiment, GDP levels, and life expectancy.

Countries are rated on a scale of 0 to 10 based on a three-year data average.

For the fifth year in a row, Finland has become the happiest country in the world. Afghanistan is the saddest country in the world.

In the latest rankings, Austria is the only country out of the top 10 in 2021.

Russia and Ukraine, currently at war, are ranked 80th and 98th, respectively.

The United States is 16th and Britain is 17th. India also lags behind Pakistan (121) and Bangladesh (94) in this list.

 The happiest country -

1. Finland

2. Denmark

3. Iceland

4. Switzerland

5. The Netherlands

The saddest country -

1. Afghanistan (146)

2. Lebanon (145)

3. Zimbabwe (144)

4. Rwanda (143)

5. Botswana (142)

Filling position

 India is ranked 136th in the World Happiness Report. Last year we were ranked 139th. India is ranked 11th at the bottom

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