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India's first pure green hydrogen project | Which is the first pure green hydrogen project in India? | India's first hydrogen project

 India's first pure green hydrogen project | Which is the first pure green hydrogen project in India? | India's first hydrogen proje...

 India's first pure green hydrogen project | Which is the first pure green hydrogen project in India? | India's first hydrogen project 

India's first pure green hydrogen project 

India's first pure green hydrogen project
What is Green Hydrogen?
Why is India pursuing green hydrogen?
Hydrogen production in India
Advantages of hydrogen as fuel


Oil (OIL) India Limited, a leading research and manufacturing company, has commissioned India's first '99.99% Pure' Green Hydrogen Project in Assam.

The green hydrogen pilot project, set up at the Jorhat pump station in central Assam, has the capacity to generate 10 kg of hydrogen per day.

This is the first project in the country to use AEM-Anion Exchange Membrane technology.

Green hydrogen is being generated from the electricity generated by the 500kW solar project using a 100kW AEM electrolyzer array.

Hydrogen gas produced using renewable energy such as wind or solar energy is called Green hydrogen.

Hydrogen gas does not emit carbon dioxide when burned and can be used as a fuel in transportation, power generation and industrial activities.

Hydrogen reacts with oxygen to form electricity and water vapor. Thus it could be a potentially clean alternative to fossil fuels.

OIL has started a detailed study with Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati on blending green hydrogen with natural gas for commercial use.

What is Green Hydrogen?

It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic and highly flammable gaseous substance.

Hydrogen is one of the lightest, simplest, and most abundant of the chemical elements in the universe.

Hydrogen is known as the 'fuel of the future'. Greenhouse gases are not emitted when hydrogen is burned.

Green hydrogen is produced by electrolysis using renewable sources of solar, wind or hydroelectric energy.

Hydrogen can also be ‘gray’ and ‘blue’. Gray hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels such as coal and gas and currently accounts for 95% of total production in South Asia.

Blue hydrogen is also produced using electricity generated by burning fossil fuels. But technology is used to prevent the carbon released in this process from entering the atmosphere.

Why is India pursuing green hydrogen?

According to the 2015 Paris Agreement, India is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 33-35% from 2005 levels.

The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change that aims to limit global warming to below 2 ° C relative to pre-industrial levels.

At the 2021 Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, India reiterated its commitment to move from a fossil and import-dependent economy to a NetZero economy by 2070.

India's average annual energy import bill is over १०० 100 billion. India has become a high carbon emitter due to increasing use of fossil fuels. It accounts for 7% of global emissions.

To make energy independent by 2047, the government has emphasized the need to introduce green hydrogen as an alternative fuel.

The National Hydrogen Mission was launched on 15th August 2021. It aims to reduce carbon emissions and increase the use of renewable energy sources.

Hydrogen production in India

India has recently started generating green hydrogen with the aim of increasing the non-fossil energy capacity to 500 gigawatts by 2030.

On April 20, 2022, Public Sector Oil India Limited set up India's first 99.99% Pure Green Hydrogen Pilot Plant at Jorhat, Assam.

Advantages of hydrogen as fuel

Green hydrogen can be stored for a long time. The stored hydrogen can be used to generate electricity using a fuel cell.

In a fuel cell, a device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy, hydrogen gas reacts with oxygen to form electricity and water vapor.

Hydrogen can thus, energy storage devices and contribute to grid stability. Act as

Oxygen produced as a by-product can be used for industrial and medical purposes or to enrich the environment. 8 kg of oxygen is formed from 1 kg of hydrogen.

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