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The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan | Srinivasa Ramanujan biography in english|Mathematician Shrinivasa Ramanujan

  The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan Name - Srinivasa Ramanujan Wife's name - Janaki Date of birth - 22 December 1887 Pl...


The great mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan

Name - Srinivasa Ramanujan
Wife's name - Janaki
Date of birth - 22 December 1887
Place of birth - Coimbatore city
Occupation - Mathematician
Religion - Hinduism
Died - April 26, 1920
Cause of death - Tuberculosis

Mathematics is a difficult subject for many people in school life. Mathematics test said that cities used to come to everyone's body then, but did they ever teach the same to the graduates in school life?

No ! But one of the great personalities of our country taught mathematics to the graduates while they were in school, that personality is Srinivas Ramanujan.

Early life of Ramanujan

Srinivas Ramanujan was born on December 22, 1887 in a Brahmin family. His family was born in Erode village in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. His father Srinivasa Iyengar used to work as a bookkeeper in a sari shop.

His mother, Komal Tammal, was a housewife and accompanied by Gaika to a local temple. And just as every child is close to their mother, they also love to be close to their mother. Initially, Ramanujan lived with his family in Kumbakonam.

His primary education took place in the village of Kumbakonam, and he was interested in mathematics from the beginning and was not interested in other subjects. And Ramanujan was so good at mathematics that he used to teach mathematics to those graduates when he was seven. From this we can see how much talent was hidden in this mathematician named Ramanujan.

Ramanujan had a special interest in Mathematics and English. Initially, he got a scholarship because of his genius. Ramanujan was so engrossed in Mathematics that he did not pay attention to other subjects. And the scholarships they get are also closed.

Then the doors of his education closed, now he was unemployed because he had no job, and this was a very difficult time for him, he had nothing but his maths ...

They had to endure a lot during these difficult times, like begging for money from people, picking up paper from the streets and making a living. After that, his health also deteriorated. Meanwhile, in 1908, after his mother married a girl named Janaki, another responsibility fell on him.

Now that he had to look for a job, he went to Madras and tried to get a job again. Whenever he went to anyone, he would show people the maths he had solved, but no one would reject him without understanding the maths, but one day after many days of hard work. The Deputy Collector Shri V. Ramaswami Iyer, he was well versed in mathematics.

When he saw the calculations that Ramanujan had solved, he recognized that this person was a talented person, and he hired Ramanujan with a salary of 25 rupees a month.

From here, Ramanujan's entire life took a different turn, after which he resumed his education with this monthly salary. After living in Madras for a year, he published a dissertation of his own, entitled "Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society."

This research paper made him famous, and in 1912 he got a job as a clerk in the Madras Port Trust due to his acquaintance with Ramchandra Rao. A few days later, Sesu Iyer, a Sutra professor, suggested that Ramanujan send a letter to GH Hardy, a renowned mathematics professor at Cambridge.

Ramanujan then wrote all his theorems in one letter and sent them to him, and GH Hardy liked it so much that he immediately called Ramanujan to him. Once there, GH Hardy paid for his education.

In 1916, Ramanujan completed his B.Sc. In England, GH Hardy and Ramanujan became the talk of the town. And GH Hardy also said that he had learned a lot from Ramanujan.

Ramanujan's last days

The year 1917 came and Ramanujan did not feel the weather in England and his health deteriorated. Notably, England was short of food because England was involved in the First World War, and Ramanujan was a vegetarian because of the Brahmin family, and there was a shortage of vegetarian food. Further down, he returned to India in the meantime. Ramanujan had been bedridden for the last days, and after much treatment, he did not show any change. He died on April 26, 1920.

He had written 600 results while in bed, which were initially at the University of Madras, then deposited in the library of Trinity College. Even before this, Ramanujan had written more than 3500 mathematical theorems. And published by the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

Bruce C. Brandt, a mathematician at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, spent 20 years researching and publishing a book on the subject in five different volumes.
There is also a movie about the life of such a great person, the movie is called "
The Man Who Knew Infinity".

Ramanujan's birthday is celebrated as National Mathematics Day. One would not believe that Ramanujan, who had made significant contributions in the field of mathematics, had failed in the fine arts. Since the price of paper was high at that time, Ramanujan used to solve maths on the board. After a while, he started solving maths on a notebook.Three books written by him came to light after his death. One book had 351 pages. There were 16 lessons that could be easily read and understood. However, some of the text was distorted, vague. The second book had 256 pages. Of these, 21 were clear, while the 100-page text was incomprehensible. The third book had 33 pages in a mess.

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